Co-Journing: Come Alongside a Refugee or Immigrant Individual/Family

Open Enrollment
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“Co-Journer” is a word we’ve coined to describe those who come alongside refugees to help them adjust to life in the United States. Co-Journers can be individuals from a local church that are connected with an individual refugee partner or a group of people—like a community group—who is partnered with an entire refugee family. Whether it’s grocery shopping together, riding to a doctor’s appointment, or celebrating a refugee’s first birthday in America, Co-Journers have innumerable opportunities to love refugees.

Learn more and apply at

9 going

Liv Lehmann
(502) 610-3462



  1. Local Church Membership
  2. Refuge Volunteer Application Process
  3. Orientation


  1. Partnering with a refugee or refugee family


  1. Apply


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